Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Name: Captain America

Importance: Captain America is important to me becuase he is a one of my favorite characters in Marvel comics. He is important to me becuase his first apearance was in 1941 during the World War II(In the comics). I like him becuase in the comics he helped the americans defeat the germans. He affected me alot becuase not like other americans thta they use pistols or sub-maching guns, but Captain America use a shield to defeat the americans. That is why he is important to me.

Comic books

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Name of Icon: Alejandro Morales(My father)

The importance of this icon: I chose my dad becuase when he was a teenager he didn't had the chance to become a professional soccer player and he also had a bad life. I chose him becuase he wants me to have a better life than what he had back then and he wants me fulfill his dreams of becoming a professional soccer player. He said that he will train me so I can be play for Mexico one day and so I can be better than him. I chose him becuase he has tuaght me how to keep play on his position and so I can be called the next Capi.

My mother Maria
My grandma Maria
My uncle Javier

Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer school blog #1

1. Do all my work/homework
2. Participate in the class
3. Pay attention while teacher is talking

What I like to learn about the holocuast in ww2 is how the Nazis treated the Jews, and what did the Nazis made them do.